



A Proven Conservative Leader Who Shares Our Values

Rep. David Rowe is a strong voice for our central Pennsylvania values in Harrisburg.  He is fighting for less taxes, smaller government, greater economic growth, and more family-sustaining jobs.  Rep. Rowe stands up to the liberal Harrisburg lobbyists and insiders who push for bigger, more intrusive, and more expensive government.  As a solid conservative, Rep. Rowe is Pro-Life, Pro-Second Amendment, and will defend our religious liberty.


As the owner of a local small business, Rep. Rowe understands that local families and small businesses are struggling with runaway inflation and out-of-control gas prices.  In Harrisburg, he works tirelessly to address these pressing issues so that our area will be an affordable place to live for our working families and retired seniors.   

Fighting for Small Businesses and More Jobs

As a local small business owner and employer, Rep. David Rowe knows the importance of a vibrant economy.  That’s why he fights for policies that encourage economic growth, support our local farms and agribusinesses, and provide family-sustaining jobs.

Among the many bills co-sponsored by Rep. Rowe that are designed to support small businesses and economic growth are HB 105, HB 1603, and HB 333.  These bills are part of the “Small Business Tax Fairness Package” and provide critical relief for small businesses and farms. 

Rep. Rowe has earned the endorsements of many economic and job growth organizations, including PA Chamber of Business and Industry, Americans for Prosperity PA, National Federation of Independent Business, Associated Builders and Contractors PA, National Association of Realtors, Commonwealth Partners Chamber of Entrepreneurs, and PA Coal.

A Strong Voice for local farms

Thousands of central Pennsylvania families depend on a thriving local farming and agribusiness industry.  At the Statehouse, Rep. David Rowe vigorously fights to protect our local family farms, agribusinesses, and their workers.  He has earned the endorsement of the PA Farm Bureau’s FARM-PAC and the PA Forest Products Association’s Timber-PAC. 

Recently, Rep. Rowe co-sponsored HB 1348, a bill intended to protect Pennsylvania’s farmers from meritless lawsuits related to agritourism.  Many Snyder, Mifflin, Juniata, and Union farming families offer produce stands, attractions, tours, rental facilities, and farm-to-table events.  This important economic activity provides critical jobs to local residents and attracts tourism that benefits many other area businesses.  HR 1348, which was passed overwhelming by the PA House of Representatives, will help our local farms, their workers, and our local economy thrive.

Pro-life advocate

Rep. David Rowe is 100% Pro-Life and is endorsed by the PA Pro-Life Federation.  Notably, he is a co-sponsor of HB 1977, also known as the “Heartbeat Bill.”  This bill would prohibit abortion when an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detected.  Additionally, Rep. Rowe has stood up for life by recently sponsoring legislation to strengthen Pennsylvania’s Human Trafficking statute.

Defender of 2nd amendment rights

Rep. David Rowe is committed to fully protecting our Second Amendment rights.   He is endorsed by the NRA and the Firearms Owners Against Crime.  A leader in defending our constitutional rights, Rep. Rowe is a co-sponsor of HB 1412, otherwise known as “Constitutional Carry,” which would amend Pennsylvania law so law-abiding citizens are not required to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm.